Interview: The Glenzito Superdrive, Radio 2000
Craig speaks to the Radio 2000 team following recent reports of the resurgence in gender based violence to look at the role men can play in turning the tide [Read more]
Interview with Expresso Show: Baby Talk – Celebrating Fatherhood
Today’s baby talk segment is all about honouring fathers, celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds and the influence that fathers have in society.
PowerFM: #NoExcuse for Gender Based Violence
Father A Nation Founder, Craig Wilkinson speaks to Ntokozo Mazibuko as Carling Black Label’s No Excuse Movement offers additional support through their partnership with Father-A-Nation and Lifeline. [Read more]
PowerFM: Why gender-based violence happens and how we can stop it.
Gender Based Violence – why it happens and what we need to do to stop it. African Women Must Keep Up With The Fight Against Gender Discrimination. [Read more]
Clicks BabyClub #MeetUp 2017
Craig talks about how parenthood is a journey towards being and becoming a whole man or woman as you raise your boys and your girls to become [Read more]
Interview on SABC News: Equipping men for fatherhood
For Child Protection Week Craig was asked to join SABC news in studio to discuss the work of Father A Nation and the importance of fathers. [Read more]