Many ask how a beer brand can get involved in the fight against gender-based violence (GBV) when alcohol abuse is such a large contributing factor to abuse in the first place.

Kerryn Greenleaf, Brand Director of South Africa’s biggest beer brand, Carling Black Label, points out that it is the abuse of alcohol not the use of it that leads to GBV. That’s why to counter alcohol abuse and GBV, Carling in collaboration with non-profit organisation Father A Nation, runs high impact on-the-ground programmes all year to help educate men on positive masculinity, using masculine strength for good, to love and protect, and never to harm and drinking responsibility.

Kerryn asserts that Carling will always be an unapologetically masculine brand because that’s what men need – to have the champion in them recognised and rewarded. This aligns perfectly with Craig’s assertion that true masculinity is a great gift to society, and the best way to deal with destructive masculine behaviour is to call out the hero within them.

Listen as Craig and Kerryn discuss how a brand’s commitment to understanding and inspiring men can play such an important role in combatting GBV and how the unlikely collaboration between a beer brand and a non-profit organisation has yielded such tremendous results in dealing with the scourge of GBV.