Our interconnectedness makes us, in a very real way, responsible for each other.
Societal ills such as poverty, inequality, crime, corruption, and gender-based violence affect every one of us, whether directly or indirectly. Because of this we all have a duty and responsibility to stand against all and anything that is wrong in society and stand for all that is good and right. In other words, we need to be a danger to all that is bad and a force for all that is good. But a person can only be a danger to what is bad and a force for what is good to the extent that they have the power to do so. Power for an individual can be defined simply as, “the ability to have an impact on the world and the people in it”. And power comes in many forms – physical, emotional, psychological, positional, financial, relational.
Without the ability to impact people and the world a person can never be a force for good, they will never reach their full potential and never be everything their family and loved ones need them to be. Because of this every person has not only a duty, but a sacred responsibility to both grow their power and to use it only for good.
Being dangerous but good simply means becoming the most effective, influential, competent person you can possibly be and living your life in such a way that you achieve the maximum good that you are capable of. In this talk I will discuss how every individual can grow their ability to impact the world and how they can and must use this ability for good and only for good.
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