30 11, 2014

What is a real man?

By |2023-07-06T10:49:46+03:00November 30th, 2014|0 Comments

Where is the image of true masculinity to be found? Is it in the round-house kick of Chuck Norris or in the decaf latte of the tame metrosexual? Is masculinity epitomised by the pot-bellied, middle aged, suburban man in front of the sports channel sipping beer and yelling advice to [Read more]

14 09, 2014

ETV news coverage of Father A Nation

By |2023-05-26T11:33:40+03:00September 14th, 2014|1 Comment

"Against all odds" on ETV news showcases Father A Nation (FAN). Founded by Craig, FAN is an organization that trains ordinary men to look after child-headed families in Bophelong Township. Most children in this area don't have time to discuss their issues with a grown-up and often have no [Read more]

9 09, 2014

The Real Man Pledge

By |2023-05-26T11:07:54+03:00September 9th, 2014|1 Comment

Are you man enough to take the real man pledge? We are starting a movement, based on a simple principle: if we can heal men, we can heal society. We believe if every man were to stand up and say "I'm going to be a real man, and a [Read more]

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