Human Rights / Human Responsibilities: Two Sides of the Same Coin
We often hear about the importance of human rights, but what about the responsibilities that make them possible? In this episode, we take a deep dive into [Read more]
The War on Truth is Real – And It’s More Dangerous Than You Think
It’s hard to know what to believe anymore. We live in what many call the 'post-truth era'. Some say we’ve moved beyond the information age into the [Read more]
10,000 Babies Abandoned Every Year – What If Men Stepped Up?
60% of South African children grow up without a father. 10,000 babies are abandoned every year. But what if men chose to show up? In this episode, [Read more]
“You don’t need recognition to do the right thing” – Wisdom of Everyday Heroes
The real heroes in life aren’t the ones on stages and platforms receiving awards and recognition, fame and fortune. The real heroes are everyday men and women [Read more]
The Hidden Addictions Sabotaging Your Life – And How to Break Free
Addiction isn’t just about drugs and alcohol — it’s anything that has some form of control over you, stopping you from living to your full potential in [Read more]
What Women Secretly Want, But Won’t Tell You
A raw and honest conversation about masculinity, relationships, and the challenges men and women face today. Join me as I sit down with Camille Hendricks— a great [Read more]
This One Mindset Shift Will Transform Your Entire Year
Are you ready to make this a NEW year, not just another year? Most people start the year strong, only to fall back into old habits. Most [Read more]
Escaping the Trap of Entitlement: Mentoring the Next Generation for Success
Nothing strips a person of power and keeps them from achieving more than a belief that the world owes them something. Once you discover that the pen [Read more]
SABC 2 | The #NoExcuse campaign equips men with growth tools
The #NoExcuse campaign, launched in 2017, has consistently used football's power to address one of South Africa's most urgent gender-based violence crises. Football fans and consumers are [Read more]
Love: The Most Dangerous Weapon Used by History’s World Changers
Way more than a soppy feeling, love is a powerful weapon that’s been used by some of the greatest world changers in history and will continue to [Read more]
Navigate the Festive Season Mayhem Like a Pro
For many the festive season can be a stressful time, making it more of a challenge than a celebration. In fact studies show that around a third [Read more]
Healing Men, Healing South Africa – Tackling GBV at the Root | Expresso Show
If SA wants to turn the tide on GBV, it must invest significantly in psycho-social support for men and boys and teaching positive, healthy masculinity.If SA wants to turn the [Read more]
How SA’s Largest Beer Brand is Fighting Gender Violence
Many ask how a beer brand can get involved in the fight against gender-based violence (GBV) when alcohol abuse is such a large contributing factor to abuse [Read more]
Why Being Powerful Matters
You matter. Your life matters. It’s time to become the most effective, influential and competent person you can be and live your life in such a way [Read more]
70% of Men in SA Believe Women Must Obey Their Husbands | ENCA
JOHANNESBURG - NGO 'Father a Nation' says men need to be healed in order to stop gender-based violence. It says the country needs a a shift in [Read more]
Human Rights / Human Responsibilities: Two Sides of the Same Coin
We often hear about the importance of human rights, but what about the responsibilities that make them possible? In this episode, we take a deep dive into [Read more]
The War on Truth is Real – And It’s More Dangerous Than You Think
It’s hard to know what to believe anymore. We live in what many call the 'post-truth era'. Some say we’ve moved beyond the information age into the [Read more]
10,000 Babies Abandoned Every Year – What If Men Stepped Up?
60% of South African children grow up without a father. 10,000 babies are abandoned every year. But what if men chose to show up? In this episode, [Read more]
“You don’t need recognition to do the right thing” – Wisdom of Everyday Heroes
The real heroes in life aren’t the ones on stages and platforms receiving awards and recognition, fame and fortune. The real heroes are everyday men and women [Read more]
The Hidden Addictions Sabotaging Your Life – And How to Break Free
Addiction isn’t just about drugs and alcohol — it’s anything that has some form of control over you, stopping you from living to your full potential in [Read more]
What Women Secretly Want, But Won’t Tell You
A raw and honest conversation about masculinity, relationships, and the challenges men and women face today. Join me as I sit down with Camille Hendricks— a great [Read more]
This One Mindset Shift Will Transform Your Entire Year
Are you ready to make this a NEW year, not just another year? Most people start the year strong, only to fall back into old habits. Most [Read more]