10 03, 2017

Five Resolutions for Dads.

By |2023-07-17T12:41:11+03:00March 10th, 2017|0 Comments

It’s barely a week into the new year and already so many of the heartfelt resolutions that sounded so good on 1st January are starting to feel a little onerous. And if we’re really honest with ourselves we know many of them won’t last. Why does this happen every year? [Read more]

10 10, 2015

Raising the Future – Part Two

By |2023-05-30T14:32:18+03:00October 10th, 2015|1 Comment

Our future lies in the hands of our children and in our hands lies the future of our children. It sounds like a riddle but it’s really quite simple; how well we raise the world’s children will determine the quality of our future on earth. The most important contribution any [Read more]

10 09, 2015

Raising the Future – Part 1

By |2023-05-30T14:01:55+03:00September 10th, 2015|0 Comments

Nothing is more important for the future of our planet than how well men and women raise their children. Parents are given the unbelievable privilege of holding the vulnerable, malleable and utterly impressionable life of their child in their hands. In a parent’s hands lies literally the power of life [Read more]

11 02, 2015

Art of Charm Podcast: Masculinity and What it Means to be a Good Dad

By |2023-07-06T08:18:35+03:00February 11th, 2015|0 Comments

You can be a good dad even if you grew up without one. Even if you aren’t a dad and don’t plan to become one, fatherhood and masculinity are incredibly important subjects. Why? Our guest for today’s episode says UNICEF has reported absentee fathers are the single biggest issue of [Read more]

14 09, 2014

Craig at TEDx

By |2023-07-06T08:19:33+03:00September 14th, 2014|0 Comments

In this TEDx talk, Craig shares his belief that true masculinity is a beautiful gift to humanity, and that it is wounded masculinity that is so deeply destructive. He shows us that if we can heal men, we can heal the world. Masculinity is a profoundly [Read more]

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