Men have always struggled to ask for directions or seek help.
We feel we need to have the answers and even if we don’t, we need to just “man up” and “make it happen”. But that is not the route to success as a man or a father. Research shows that most men are lonely. They have friends to watch a game and share a beer and a laugh with, but not brothers who they can share their inner challenges and struggles with.
But life is not a solo sport and neither should manhood and fatherhood be.
To truly be the best we can be in all areas of life we need a band of brothers around us who support, encourage, sharpen, challenge and generally bring out the best in us. Vulnerability is not weakness, it is courage. Seeking help when help is needed is not shameful, it is wise. Let’s stand together as men and help each other “do life well”. Our wives, children and the world will be grateful. Watch this video to see how.

If you’re invested in developing yourself as a father, take it to the next level. I designed the Ultimate Dad Course to be a ground-breaking online programme that men can do at their own pace and schedule. It provides all the inspiration, tools and information you need to raise healthy, happy children and build unbreakable, lifelong bonds with them. Click here for a preview.
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